Seasoning a Cast Iron Skillet

Cast iron skillets ought to be re-seasoned at least once a year. 

To begin, wash the skillet, making sure to rinse and dry. Melt bacon grease and run it all over skillet, inside and out. 

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place skillet in the oven upside down with a cookie sheet on rack below to catch drippings. Bake for one hour, then turn oven off and let the pan remain 
inside until oven cools. 

Re-season soon after cooking beans or any acidic foods such as  tomatoes. 

Wash immediately after use, while still hot. Never wash the  skillet in soap or dishwashing detergent. Use boiling water and 
bristle brush to clean. Do not store food in skillet. 

After washing skillet, warm in over or heat on a burner to completely dry up any moisture. 


Seafood Grilling Tips


Egg Color, Size and Grading